“Firmly established on the northern slopes of Etna, for many years I have also explored most of the other slopes – buying grapes, making grapes for colleagues, measuring altitudes, studying geological features, verifying historical boundaries. I have carefully probed not only my northern territories, but also the eastern and southern ones, trying to estimate their qualities and their limits. At very high altitudes on the southern side I am convinced that I have found an area where the Carricante thrives particularly well.
Having vinified grapes from that area for six years on an experimental level, and certain of their exceptional grace, I was very lucky to be offered a tiny vineyard from which my favorite white grapes came. The area is known as Montalto, although it is not classified as a Contrada. And here, at 950 meters, in the most perfect and constantly breezy aspect, lies my small and very old vineyard. And here one finds that freshness of climate which perfectly compensates for the full southern exposure. The first vintage produced is 2019 – a pearl”. Marco de Grazia
White wines characterized by a voluptuous softness and spicy and “warm” aromas, underlined by a full alcoholic vigor and a balanced freshness resulting from the combination of full exposure at noon and a very high altitude.
Vinous: 94 point til årgang 2022